Saturday, September 13, 2008

Music Music Music

Well... the time has finally arrived !!! Miridyan is on the move ! She has been attempting to get where she wants for quite some time. It is amazing at how these little minds put everything together. Tonight she crawled right over to Grandpa's drum set (well, scooted on her hands and belly). She absolutely loves to sit and watch him play, just this time she wanted to try and play herself. Right now it's cute, but I am awaiting the day when something gets broken. (Hey dad... guess you will have to invest in a second set of drums, one that the girls can play with!)

We took the girls to their very first concert. It was the Honkey Tonk Tail Gate Party, which featured Mark Wills, Trent Willmon, Buddy Jewell, and Ray Scott. It was a pretty mellow concert. Miridyan and Paityn played on the blanket and watched the people around us. They were perfect the entire time.

Paityn was caught a little off guard here. I am not sure what emotion she is displaying in this picture, but we love it !!!

1 comment:

Chandy Colton said...

Your little girl and Morgan's little girl could be twins, they are so cute! I love the matching pants!